Do you like travelling? Would you like to do it for less money? If so, Jack’s flight Club is for you!

We LOVE to travel. Whether it’s to some new, unknown corner of the world that we’ve never heard of before or a well-tested favourite destination where loved ones live, we’re on it. We’ve been known to wile days away playing Skyscanner roulette and hitting up all the deal sites we know for cheap flights. This however, was until we learnt about Jack’s Flight Club.
What is Jack’s Flight Club?
Jack’s Flight Club is basically an online members’ club that send you daily emails (if you opt for those) that let you know when flights are going for cheap. Jack and his team of fellow travel hackers scan the inter-web for you to bring you these deals – which are a mixture of hidden offers and discounts, sales and error fares – depositing them hassle free into your inbox. These aren’t just last minute travel deals either. Each email will come with a time frame (usually a good couple of months) that these prices will be valid for.
“Well that’s a flight comparison site”, you may think. Not true.

Jack’s Flight Club uses flight matrix systems (advanced fare and pricing tools) as well as old school Googling techniques to suss out some stellar deals that would not come up on your standard comparison site. The Club also manages to find errors and rock bottom prices as soon as they go live, notifying members within minutes so that they can snap up tickets before either the airline realises its mistake, or the flights sell out.

These tickets aren’t just a few quid off the regular prices either. Recent beauties have included peak summer flights from London Gatwick to Honolulu, Hawaii for £613 (usually £1,500); direct return tickets to Caribbean dream, St Lucia, for £363 (usually £600-750); and business class returns to Bali for £1,274 (usually £2,600).

For those looking for shorter trips closer to home can also make the most of Jack’s Flight Club’s “European Weekend Trips Edition” newsletters that go out every week for premium members and once a month for free members. These contain the best value, most convenient weekend trip bargains to destinations like Porto, Paris, Zurich, Budapest, Malaga, Rome, Barcelona, Dublin, Amsterdam and pretty much any other conceivable European city reachable from airports in the UK and Ireland.
Free Vs Premium Membership

So if that all sounds pretty darn good, your only choice is to decide whether you want to sign up for a free membership or a premium one. Both are good however (as you might expect) the premium gives you a lot more and is also ludicrously cheap.

With free membership, you receive about one alert per week, whereas the premium version grants you four or five (depending on how many top deals the team find). Premium members also get access to premium-only deals as well as the free-level deals an hour before free users, giving you the chance to swipe up the cheap tickets first – pretty important when it comes to mistaken fares. Premium members will also receive additional “Weekend Trip Edition” emails.
Free membership is, well, free.
Premium membership costs £15 for three months; £25 for 6 months; or £39 for a year.
To put that into context, if you book one short weekend return flight with Jack’s Flight Club over the course of three months, you’ll make your money back instantly. If you book a few of those or one longer haul flight with the Club with the year’s membership, you’ll be laughing!

What’s more, for every premium membership upgrade, Jack’s Flight Club plants 10 trees on your behalf through non-profit Trees For The Future, with the aim to help offset air travel carbon emissions and improve the livelihoods of impoverished famers by revitalising degraded lands in countries such as Tanzania and Uganda.
Sign Me Up!

You can find the full details of what premium membership includes (such as big discounts on airport lounges, airpark parking and £25 off long-haul flights made via Skyscanner, to name a few) here:
However, before you upgrade, make sure you grab yourself a free membership by simply entering your email address in the box on the website:
Happy Travels!